[Section 154]- Rectification of Mistakes


Table of Contents:


·         (A) [Section 154(1)]- Rectification only when Mistake Apparent from the record and by the Authority who passed the Order:

o    Rectification can be done only by the Authority who has Passed the Order:

·         (B) [Section 154(2)]- When can Rectification be made:

·         (C) [Section 154(1A)]- Rectification can be done for any matter other than the matter considered and decided in Appeal / Revision  :

·         (D) [Section 154(3)]- Opportunity of being heard is necessary if Rectification Results into Enhancement, etc. :

·         (E) [Section 154(4)]- Order of Rectification:

·         (F)  [Section 154(5)]- Refund to be given in case Rectification Results into Reduction of Assessment:

·         (G) [Section 154(6)]- Notice of Demand to be Issued in case Rectification Results in to Enhancing the Assessment, etc.:

·         (H) [Section 154(7)]- Time Limit for Rectification:

·         (I) [Section 154(8)]- Time Limit for Passing an Order of Rectification if Application for Amendment made by the Assessee U/s 154:

o    Time limit gets freshly extended in case of rectification of rectified order:

o    Time limit of 4 years as per section 154(7) would freshly apply to the appellate order:


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