Your Major Children Are Your Great Tax Savers
All your major children are as solid as a rock to help you save your income tax. After 1st. October 1998 the provisions relating to gift- tax have ceased to exist. Now you are free to gift away your money to your major children without attracting the payment of gift tax. This amendment makes it a good idea to make liberal gifts to your major children so that the income, if any, arising from these investments in years to come can be taxed in the hands of your major children.
For example, if you have fixed deposits let
us say of `20 Lath and you
have a major son as well as a major daughter then it makes sense to gift away ` 5 Lath to each of
them. After receiving the gift amount the children also make investment in Bank
Fixed Deposit and each of them receives yearly interest of say, `45,000. On this
amount the son as well as the daughter will not pay income tax because the
amount is below the exemption limit of `2,00,000. The exemption limit for the major
girl child is also `2,00,000. Thus your
major children can now be great source of tax saving for you.